Thursday, March 4, 2010


So, I've pretty much decided on my color scheme. I'm like 99% sure of what I want. But, I have this one little nagging idea that won't leave me alone. I'm just not sure that idea #2 is appropriate for a fall wedding. Here are the two ideas:

#1 - Royal Blue and Chartreuse (see first photo)
I love royal blue, especially as a color to wear. I think it looks great on every skin tone, it's bright without being neon and it is different. When thinking of a color to pair it with, I wanted something that would reflect my favorite things. Well, since my other favorite color is green, that had to be it. Yes, they are two bold colors together in a pair and yes, they are different. But, I think the chartreuse will allow us to use Granny Smith apples in the decor! So, the wedding will have a fall feel without me having to use orange. Me + orange = no love.

#2 - Aqua and Poppy (red)
I have seen this on Martha Stewart weddings and in several other places. I LOVE this theme, but it seems to be out of season for a fall wedding. For a summer wedding, it can be tweaked for a beach theme. Winter weddings can use the aqua for snowflakes. One other reason I'm not a fan is because I don't want red or aqua bridesmaids dresses. Red isn't my thing and aqua can never be worn again (or very rarely can). I guess I will just have to love this one from afar.

1 comment:

  1. I dig both of the colors :) But I think that I like option #1 better. But, you know, a girl can totally wear aqua again. I would, for sure. xo
