Friday, July 24, 2009

Intro to me

First, I will say that I solemnly promise not to talk in LOLCats voice ever but in instances where it is absolutely necessary.

Now, to the "about me" boring stuff.
I'm a southern girl...born and raised in South Carolina, moved to Georgia when I was 21 and never left. I work in Atlanta and live in the suburbs. Yes, the commute is hell. I work in state government, but I won't tell you which department (I do have to maintain some privacy).

I have a wonderful BF. We've been together for almost four years now and we're planning to do the engagement/wedding thing within the next year. Couple that with the boring months I had at work from about May to mid-June, and you get one girl who has done a lot of research on weddings. Through all of this research I have found the following things to be true about my wants/needs/desires.
  • A desire to circumvent some of the wasteful practices of the wedding industry. I think women tend to get so caught up in matching or outdoing their friends that they forget what they really want out of the day.
  • To be eco-friendly (as much as possible, anyway)
  • To support local markets
  • To reuse items instead of purchasing everything brand new
  • To plan this wedding at less than $10,000
  • To NEVER wear a sweetheart neckline. (Once again, nothing wrong with them, they're just not me).

the reasonz

this blog will be used for the purpose of publishing all the great wedding ideas i've found throughout the interwebz.